Title: A touch of the old
Date taken: 10/8/11
Camera: Nikon D40
Lens: 18-55 mm
Shutter speed: 1/1000
F-stop: f/5.6
ISO: 200
Focal length: 55 mm
Light: Natural, sunny
Surrounding cityscape/landscape
Title: A light in the dark
Date taken: 10/14/11
Camera: Nikon D40
Lens: 55-200 mm
Shutter speed: 0.5 sec
F-stop: f/4.2
Focal length: 66 mm
Tripod: yes
Rocky Mountain College
Title: In the game
Date taken: 10/16/11
Camera: Nikon D40
Lens: 55-200 mm
Shutter speed: 1/400
F-stop: f/5.3
ISO: 200
Focal length: 160 mm
Light: Natural, overcast
Tripod: no
Night Life :)
Title: A Nights focus on the sky
Date taken: 10/12/11
Camera: Nikon D40
Lens: 18-55 mm
Shutter speed: 10 sec
F-stop: f/4
Focal length: 18 mm
Tripod: yes
Panoramic Cityscape
Title: CityView
Date taken: 10/16/11
Camera: Nikon D40
Lens: 18-55 mm
Shutter speed: 1/60
F-stop: f/16
ISO: 200
Focal length: 26 mm
Light: Natural, overcast/rainy
Tripod: yes
Own Choice
Title: On the run
Date taken: 10/15/11
Camera: Nikon D40
Lens: 18-55 mm
Shutter speed: 1/15
F-stop: f/10
ISO: 200
Focal length: 26 mm
Light: Natural, overcast/rainy
Tripod: yes